Rat Cannon Fodder
After finishing a big chunk of my Stormcast Eternals army I turned my attention to my second army - Skaven. I started by painting the 40 clanrats from Spire of Dawn. I was aiming at more of a speedy painting processing given the amount of minis, but I think I landed somewhere in between normal/speed painting as they still consumed quite a lot of time :)One thing that I did skip is highlights for the clothes, fur and teeth - I only did some basic ones for skin and a bit of dry brash for metallics. I also used Army Painters Quickshade to combine shading and first layer of varnish. All in all the processed looked like this:
- Black primer
- Zenithal highlights with white primer (which I probably could have skipped given that I then sprayed everything brown)
- Airbrushed everything with brown (fur color)
- Brush painted all the base colors
- Highlighted skin and metallics
- Applied Vallejo's brown earth on bases
- Dry brushed the bases
- Painted rim of base
- Applied dark Quickshade to whole models
- Painted second layer of base rim
- Glued on some flock
- Airbrushed with matt varnish
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