Age of Sgimar - Starter Set - Stormcast Eternals - Complete
Finally my first full army for Age of Sigmar is complete. It consists mostly of the starter set with a few additional Liberators, Retributors and a Lord Castellant.
I painted the army using the standard GW golden schema. I think it works quite well, but I do feel the urge to do some more individualization when painting my next army.
I did experiment with basing a little bit, mostly by using various rock imitations, but also Green Stuff World's textured pins. I wanted to achieve an effect of arcane ruins on a few minis which I think turned out quite well. I see that I can go with that even further next time.
My next painting project will be a Skaven army (from Spire of Dawn). I will be also painting the Vaguard Hunters and Neave to get a few more points and some shooters to my Stormcast Eternals Army. I want to get to 1500 points to be able to play some mid sized games.
Here are the pictures: